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- We support companies in their sustainable development initiatives and investment funds in implementing sustainable practices

We like to support businesses at every step of their sustainable transformation journey and also like to help investment funds in developing sustainable investment practices. 


Situational Assessment
This is a qualitative assessment. We evaluate where the company stands from an economical, ethical, sustainable, industrial, cultural standpoint. It includes benchmarking and SWOTing competition and an initial reflection on the role of sustainability in the company's future.

Carbon Footprint Assessment
This is a quantitative assessment. We calculate company’s direct & indirect emissions (scopes 1/2/3) based on the collection of actual data. This work is crucial to any approach aimed at improving environmental impact, and its results will serve as the basis for defining future sustainable strategy.


Sustainable Business Strategy (SBS)
SBS is the backbone of sustainable transformation. It is a five-step process that aims to imagine the company's purpose and role in society, identify the issues that will effectively impact the business, define priorities as part of an inclusive strategy focused on creating economic, environmental & social value, ensure implementation through the commitment of senior management and all employees, deploy data collection to monitor progress and report accordingly.

SBS starts with a broad, long-term vision to build the mission, then translates it into all

aspects of the company (business model, product lines, operations...). Implementation is key to success (appropriate KPIs, stakeholders engagement), as is a realistic timetable and accurate performance measurement and reporting.


Impact measurement – emissions accounting
We support the selection, implementation and operation of a customized environmental impact measurement tool. Based on the acquisition of real data, this tool will play an essential role in monitoring progress and adapting to future changes in the ecosystem or regulations.

Sustainability reporting & legal compliance
We help identify the regulatory guidelines that the company must comply with in terms of non-financial reporting (ESG, CSRD, SEC...) and participate in their implementation. We also provide guidance in setting up and auditing environmental management systems.

Life Cycle Assessment - LCA (ISO 14040 & 14044)

a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from raw material extraction & processing through production, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and recycling. 

Decarbonization & Energy Efficiency Services 

For example, reducing impact by electrifying industrial processes that consume fuels.


Please feel free to reach out to us. We will be glad to investigate your future with you.

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