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This is Election Day! Comparing Trump & Biden on the environment

The two presidential candidates couldn’t be further apart on their actions and plans for the environment and voters in the United States face starkly different choices for president in 2020, especially when it comes to the candidates’ positions on energy and environmental issues.

President Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, has called climate change a hoax and has taken steps to remove the U.S. from the 2015 Paris climate agreement, in which 195 signatories set voluntary limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Former Vice President Joe Biden, a Democrat, considers climate change an emergency and has promised to rejoin the Paris Agreement. He also plans to convene a global climate summit to persuade leaders to set more ambitious and enforceable targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump’s campaign touts opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil exploration. The Biden campaign says it would permanently protect ANWR from energy development.

From fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks to construction of new oil pipelines to the regulation of mercury and carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants, the two men vying for the White House have staked out virtually polar opposite stances on most major environmental issues.

The National Geographic presents how the two national candidates position on vital subjects as fossil fuels, climate policy, renewables / clean energy and pollution.

We strongly recommend, on this Election Day, that you read this great article.

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