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  • Photo du rédacteurWe_at_Skreifall

Happy New Year 2020? Why not. Happy Decarbonized Energy Decade 2030? Better.

Jumping into a new decade, it is always interesting to look back. This is what the UN did: the UNEP recently revisited the gap rationale and how it has evolved, comparing the expectations following the Copenhagen Accord with the reality 10 years later.

The findings are sobering.

Despite a decade of increasing political and societal focus on climate change and the milestone Paris Agreement, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have not been curbed, and the emissions gap is larger than ever.

Decarbonizing energy supply and transport appears to be one of the most influential parameters allowing transformational change. Also highlighted is the growing importance of non-state and subnational initiatives for example at the city and even individuals scale.

Finally, the report underlines the urge to foster investments into "green innovations" that will support both societal and economic transition over the long term.

Happy Decarbonized Decade 2030 to all!

Link to the report below:

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